Purchase a Membership
Purchase a Membership
Membership has its privileges!! Not many, but still a couple!
Reasons to purchase a Membership:
You’ve done the math. Estimating the number of days that you’ll play (and the number of players) in a given time period reveals that you would SAVE money by going the membership route.
No Reservations Required. Just purchase the membership (here) online, and then we will start the clock the first day you play. Give us your name at the Crow Bar and we’ll log you in with your start date. Then just come whenever you’d like in your given time frame.
Swagger and Cred. Simply mention that you are a member of Royal Chappy at any of the world’s fine hotels and restaurants and you’ll be greeted with an “ohhhhkayyy?”
Supporting the Crow. Sir Reginald has a lot of hungry mouths to feed - a LOT (Sir Reg was a bit capricious in his younger days when it came to choosing a mate). Royal Chappy truly does depend on a Membership to keep it running!