When you love what you do, and what you do you cannot do…in the winter…then…well, you’re a bit discontented. I mean, there are others things, too, that you enjoy in the winter - like your 4 year old, and sleeping, and Vanderpump Rules. But…but…its not the same. Its not work. So you try to stay busy. You write blogs. You buy stuff to sell online. You collect email addresses, and then lose them all. You get equipment serviced. You ask for money (dues). You hope maybe this next year will be the year you don’t lose (as much) money. You wait. For spring. Then you wait some more, because spring is always the last season through the door.

You also spend lots of time trying to figure out how to edit your website (you played blackjack in the back of 10th grade computer science). You subtract things you wished you’d kept. You add things that you’d rather have not…added. And you wing it. It’ll all be okay.

But so much that could be done can’t be done. The snow. The frost. They conspire against you. Soon though, you tell yourself, soon you’ll return. You’ll clean out the mouse poop from the Crow Bar. You’ll mow off goose poop from the greens. You’ll fold t-shirts and paint floors. You’ll fix the stuff that is still broken. You’ll fall asleep at 5pm in the 5th hole sand trap. You’ll be back. And soon too (with luck) the golfers will return - your many summer companions; your comrades in clubs.

See you soon.

Brad WoodgerComment